SSI Professional Courses
Professional Courses

The world’s largest professional training agency

Dive Guide
The first step in the professional diving field
The Dive Guide course is the previous step to becoming an Instructor. This course authorizes you to guide groups of already certified divers in a wide variety of environments and conditions.

The SSI Divemaster course is a dive guide package with a specialty in Diving Sciences, which includes a total of 20 dives. It also includes the Diving Science specialty, providing knowledge that is essential for performing the activity as an instructor.

Divemaster Career
From Open Water Diver to DiveMaster
If you are already an Open Water diver and you are sure that you want to change your life and dedicate yourself professionally to the world of diving, we offer you the Divemaster Career Pack .
You will do 8 SSI specialties , up to Divemaster!!!
The perfect preparation to pack your bags and go out to earn a living around the world doing what you like most.

Assistant Instructor
After becoming a Divemaster, the Assistant Instructor qualification is the next step in the career path of a diving instructor. Start training beginners and assist the instructor in the courses.

Open Water Instructor
Become an Open Water Instructor by completing the Instructor Training Course. The AI+ITC course lasts a total of 2 weeks and prepares attendees for the final assessment at the end of the course.
It provides the knowledge, skill and preparation necessary to properly organize, train and teach diver candidates.

Crossover SSI Divemaster / Instructor
If you are a Divemaster, Assistant Instructor or Assistant Instructor Trainer or equivalent from another diving agency, you can also Crossover to SSI. Contact us for more information.